About me:

I'm Ítalo, a simple person who likes to think and chat, most of the time.

Feel free to send me a message via e-mail for whatever reason, whether it's to suggest a change to the site or just to chat.

About this website:

I've created it with the intention of being a place for me to deposit some thoughts and to talk about subjects that interest me, going from technology to philosophy, lifestyle, music and many others.



Important: the content of this version of the webpage may or may not be supported in the future, and new posts can be delayed until they reach their english version. However, you can always use translation tools such as Firefox's current one, which translates the page "on the go" and has a satisfying result, on the main pages.

Artificial intelligence and the end of meaning in life. - 11/03/2023.

Beauty in software. - 11/01/2023.